Table of contents
Following the tragic murder of George Floyd, which came at the heels of the murder of Breona Taylor in her own home and the murder of Ahmaud Arbery while out for a run – as well the countless other acts of aggression and violence towards Black Americans that take place daily – we felt we must pause to reflect, look inwardly and around us, and think of where and how we can help make an impact.
To mourn three Black lives lost, that didn’t need to be lost – that should not have been lost – at the hands of police. To acknowledge the deep pain and rage of our Black team members, our partners, and among so many members of the communities we support. While these are three high-profile stories from the past few weeks, we unfortunately know that there are many more such stories that never made the news.
This horrifying chain of events serves as a powerful reminder that anything less than standing with and for the members of the Black community is complicity in a system that is broken. That is the responsibility of each of us as individuals, and of Insticator as an organization. When injustice happens before our eyes, we cannot sit by in silence, and where justice is needed, no light can be too bright.
We will be donating funds to Color Of Change and The Loveland Foundation , two organizations that focus on providing community-oriented solutions and healing as the fight against racial injustice continues – we hope you join us.