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Americans across the country are slowly getting accustomed to the country’s new normal, from working in their living rooms and dining rooms to finding ways to fill the void of human connection in this time of self-isolation.
For our second week of COVID-19 poll insights, we once again utilized our poll unit across a variety of news sites with U.S. audiences to discover how those who are working from home are adjusting to this new normal, and how they’re currently keeping themselves entertained and engaged at home.
With over 2,800 total responses submitted, we gained valuable insight into some of our readers’ behaviors in the midst of this pandemic.

Here’s how our readers have handled working from home:

Although 51 percent of readers have an office set-up in their homes, 42 percent of readers responded that they are currently less productive while working from home. Though home offices can sometimes successfully replicate a work setting, working from home comes with different circumstances that can impact one’s productivity, whether it’s babies and young children who need to be attended to, or technological difficulties.
And here are two key insights on how our readers are filling their free time:

Despite the current popularity of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the rise of online gaming, only 9 percent of respondents said that their favorite activity is playing video games. The vast majority of readers (39 percent) prefer watching movies or TV shows, as evidenced by the trending Netflix docuseries Tiger King and a marked increase in streaming numbers.
How is your team gauging your readers’ thoughts today? You can use our highly-customizable polling unit to better understand your audience at crucial moments, and create informative, engaging content that will address their interests and needs.