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As the country draws closer to another month of the COVID-19 outbreak, Americans are still adapting to spending their time at home as stay-at-home orders become more and more widespread.
For our third week of COVID-19 poll insights, we utilized our poll unit across a variety of news sites with U.S. audiences to discover if respondents have found a silver lining to the country’s new normal, and when they believe the peak of the epidemic will pass.
Here’s how our readers are currently handling the pandemic:
Though now may be a great time to learn a new language or take up baking, only 6 percent of respondents said that taking up a new hobby is their silver lining to self-quarantine. More than half of respondents (52 percent) have yet to find a silver lining in the past few weeks. 35 percent of respondents said their silver lining is “more time with family and friends,” a sentiment echoed by soccer star David Beckham. The final 7 percent of respondents stated that they are now exercising more, as more fitness YouTube videos fill the void created by closed gyms.
Strange, vivid dreams and sleep disorders such as insomnia have been reported as side effects of the quarantine. 36 percent of respondents said that their sleeping habits have been impacted by self-quarantine, while another 11 percent said they’re unsure. 53 percent of respondents, however, said their sleeping habits haven’t been impacted.
When it comes to video games, 74 percent of respondents who play are playing more frequently while in self-quarantine, while 26 percent are playing less frequently.
Respondents are divided over when the peak of the outbreak will pass; though some politicians have stated that their respective cities have peaked or plateaued, other cities across the country are only starting to see a rise in new cases. Over a third (38 percent) of respondents believe the peak of the coronavirus outbreak will pass in June or July; a more conservative 15 percent of respondents believe the peak will pass after September.
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