Trusted by top publishers, brands, and agencies

Increase Display & Video Ad Revenue with Interactive Content

Ad Revenue Analytics
Monitor revenue and content engagement in a single place with our Analytics Dashboard. Would you prefer to receive customized scheduled reports in your inbox? We have you covered with our Report Builder feature.

Email Sign-Up
Cement your relationship with your readers by inviting them to opt-in to receive regular updates and information – at the right time. Customize the Email Sign-Up card to match your brand identity for a fully native experience. Manage your subscriber data easily through our user-friendly Publisher Portal or via seamless integrations with MailChimp and Upland Postup.

Feature Spotlights
Increase Pages per Visit and Time on Site by selecting any article or site section to feature in the Spotlight. Boost your content’s visibility with a fully customizable card within our Content Engagement Unit.
Monitor revenue and content engagement in a single place with our Analytics Dashboard. Would you prefer to receive customized scheduled reports in your inbox? We have you covered with our Report Builder feature.
Cement your relationship with your readers by inviting them to opt-in to receive regular updates and information – at the right time. Customize the Email Sign-Up card to match your brand identity for a fully native experience. Manage your subscriber data easily through our user-friendly Publisher Portal or via seamless integrations with MailChimp and Upland Postup.
Increase Pages per Visit and Time on Site by selecting any article or site section to feature in the Spotlight. Boost your content’s visibility with a fully customizable card within our Content Engagement Unit.
Key Metrics

Read Your Reader’s Minds with Polls
Poll questions provide direct insight into the perspectives and interests of your audience. Assess user sentiment, or what types of content they prefer to engage with to create a bond between your readers and your brand.

Gauge Audience Knowledge with Trivia
Create custom Trivia questions and test your readers’ knowledge. The perfect complement for passionate niche readers, fact lovers, and savvy fanbases.
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